Monday, August 16, 2010


Biophysics is an interdisciplinary science that uses the methods of physics and physical chemistry to study biological systems. Studies included under the branches of biophysics span all levels of biological organization, from the molecular scale to whole organisms and ecosystems. Biophysical research shares significant overlap with biochemistry, nanotechnology, bioengineering, agrophysics and systems biology.

Molecular biophysics typically addresses biological questions that are similar to those in biochemistry and molecular biology, but the questions are approached quantitatively. Scientists in this field conduct research concerned with understanding the interactions between the various systems of a cell, including the interactions between DNA, RNA and protein biosynthesis, as well as how these interactions are regulated. A great variety of techniques are used to answer these questions.

Fluorescent imaging techniques, as well as electron microscopy, x-ray crystallography, NMR spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy (AFM) are often used to visualize structures of biological significance. Conformational change in structure can be measured using techniques such as dual polarisation interferometry and circular dichroism. Direct manipulation of molecules using optical tweezers or AFM can also be used to monitor biological events where forces and distances are at the nanoscale. Molecular biophysicists often consider complex biological events as systems of interacting units which can be understood through statistical mechanics, thermodynamics and chemical kinetics. By drawing knowledge and experimental techniques from a wide variety of disciplines, biophysicists are often able to directly observe, model or even manipulate the structures and interactions of individual molecules or complexes of molecules.

In addition to traditional (i.e. molecular and cellular) biophysical topics like structural biology or enzyme kinetics, modern biophysics encompasses an extraordinarily broad range of research. It is becoming increasingly common for biophysicists to apply the models and experimental techniques derived from physics, as well as mathematics and statistics, to larger systems such as tissues, organs, populations and ecosystems.

Focus as a subfield

Biophysics often does not have university-level departments of its own, but has presence as groups across departments within the fields of molecular biology, biochemistry, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, medicine, pharmacology, physiology, physics, and neuroscience. What follows is a list of examples of how each department applies its efforts toward the study of biophysics. This list is hardly all inclusive. Nor does each subject of study belong exclusively to any particular department. Each academic institution makes its own rules and there is much overlap between departments.

* Biology and molecular biology - Almost all forms of biophysics efforts are included in some biology department somewhere. To include some: gene regulation, single protein dynamics, bioenergetics, patch clamping, biomechanics.

* Structural biology - Ã…ngstrom-resolution structures of proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, carbohydrates, and complexes thereof.

* Biochemistry and chemistry - biomolecular structure, siRNA, nucleic acid structure, structure-activity relationships.
* Computer science - Neural networks, biomolecular and drug databases.

* Computational chemistry - molecular dynamics simulation, molecular docking, quantum chemistry

* Bioinformatics - sequence alignment, structural alignment, protein structure prediction

* Mathematics - graph/network theory, population modeling, dynamical systems, phylogenetics.

* Medicine and neuroscience - tackling neural networks experimentally (brain slicing) as well as theoretically (computer models), membrane permitivity, gene therapy, understanding tumors.

* Pharmacology and physiology - channel biology, biomolecular interactions, cellular membranes, polyketides.

* Physics - biomolecular free energy, stochastic processes, covering dynamics.

* Quantum biophysics involves quantum information processing of coherent states, entanglement between coherent protons and transcriptase components, and replication of decohered isomers to yield time-dependent base substitutions. These studies imply applications in quantum computing.

* Agronomy Agriculture Many biophysical techniques are unique to this field. Research efforts in biophysics are often initiated by scientists who were traditional physicists, chemists, and biologists by training.

Careers in Biophysics

# career in biophysics requires the knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology. In general, a person with a degree in biophysics is capable of applying different research techniques, can gather and interpret data and has the ability to utilize advanced technology. Biophysics professionals typically work in a laboratory setting for a government agency, a private industry or college or university. There are several different career options for a person interested in biophysics.


# Career opportunities in biophysics exist in the education field. If this is your desired career path, consider enrolling in a teaching program in addition to a biophysics program during college. People who have received their degree in biophysics and teaching can often find opportunities as an educator at colleges, universities and high schools.


# According to the Education and Career Information Portal website, research biophysicists are most often employed by government labs, pharmaceutical, biotechnology or nanotechnology companies. Research biophysicists typically work in a laboratory setting and study life processes on a molecular level.

Aquatic Biologist

# A person who has studied biophysics may consider pursuing a career in aquatic biology. According to the website,, an aquatic biologist works with living organisms that live in water regions. Aquatic biologists study the environmental impact of industry and human expansion on water organisms, and also provide recommendations and guidelines to government agencies and public industries, according to the website,


# A biochemist studies the chemistry of living organisms. A biochemist may do basic research on the chemistry of living things or applied research, in which he or she works to solve practical problems. According to the website,, biochemists are most often employed by colleges or universities, in addition to private firms such as breweries, drug companies, petroleum producers and manufacturers. Biochemists may also work for nonprofit research centers or government agencies.


# Working as a geophysicist involves studying the physical and atmospheric aspects of the earth and applying scientific principles to solve problems in this area. According to the website,, geophysicists often work in earthquake-prone areas. They are generally employed by private communities in mining, oil and natural gas industries in addition to federal or state governments and colleges or universities.


# Anatomists are a type of biological scientist that studies the structure of living organisms. Most anatomists will work in a laboratory environment for a university, medical center or government agency. Anatomists can specialize in a variety of areas, according to, including biological imaging, cell biology, genetics, molecular development, histology and microscopy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It gives nice guidance

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