LONDON Scientists have suggested that the world’s energy needs could be met 100 billion times over using a satellite to harness the solar wind and beam the energy to Earth.
- The concept for Dyson-Harrop satellite begins with a long metal wire loop pointed at the sun. This wire is charged to generate a cylindrical magnetic field that snags the electrons which in turn get funneled into a metal spherical receiver to produce a current. “This satellite is something that we can build” New Scientist quoted Harrop as saying. The study has been published in International Journal of Astrobiology.
I need more information regarding this topic ,can you give detail description of this
the energy from the satellite to earth wow its amazing
we can also utilize other source of energy
this all reports come from London research centers, although we contribute much for science field.we are not on the success way
we can effeciently use other source of to get energy
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