Monday, October 25, 2010

No Mental Pressure For Tennis Kids

"There is something about children who opt for the open school system and are into home schooling. Otherwise interested in sports, they are academically brilliant and usually outshine regular school goers"

  1. For example, most of the kids who train at the High Performance Tennis Centre housed in the KSLTA premises are into home schooling. These kids seem to be in their element when exam time draws nigh, scoring in the 80 percent and above bracket.

  2. Sunil Yajaman, HPTC director, says, "Tennis kids are smart. Their grasping power is very strong. They undergo a lot of pressure during matches and are no strangers to challenges. For them, exams are a replication of the challenges they face on the court. These kids don't need to go to school daily and can easily make up for lost time."

  3. Asked to outline the academy schedule for the wards, Yajaman said, "The schedule is drawn depending on the individual's height, weight, attitude and mental toughness."

  4. He said, "We begin at 8.45 - 9 in the morning and the kids generally go through an hour of fitness based on agility and speed. This is followed by two hours of technical and tactical hitting of tennis balls after which they take a two hour break for lunch and rest. Post rest, they are back on court for a two-hour match play where they compete with each other and practise what they learnt during the morning session.

  5. This is followed by a fitness hour again. Twice a week, they undergo endurance training and at the end of the day, they shower,have a snack and are ready to leave for home or the hostel."


Zenova tech blog said...

This article is good

Unknown said...

This article is good enough to tell that students must need some extra time to get involved in studies and also in sports

Unknown said...

ya this articles is best enough to say that children's are more active in studies with the help of tennis

Anonymous said...

You are telling that only tennis can help to get concentration in studies

deepa said...

tennis is not mush considered as an physical game, but it is both physical and mental game

Unknown said...

Tennis is one of the best game in which student has to involve this will help students to improve their mental power

Unknown said...

this is one of the game where mental pressure will come and also physical strain will occurs, due to this students get tired very soon,then how can they get concentration on studies

Unknown said...

we can choose other game like chess its also one of the best game for students

Anonymous said...

what are the other ways to get concentration for studies

Student2050 said...

This is the research report stated that now a days more students are getting involved more in this game, due to this their memory power has been increased so that they got success in their studies.Since it is regarding students studies thats we posted this article

Anonymous said...

what are the other ways to get concentration for the studies and succeed in getting good marks

Anonymous said...

this one was good

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