Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Space Reaserch Report

"Newly Processed images from the Cassini space creft are revealing previously unseen halos of infreared auroral light above the planet's poles"

Auroaras on the ringed planet particles in the solar wind stream down its magnetic field towards its poles, where they excite gas in the upper atmosphere to glow.The new Observation will allow scientists to study how the auroras vary in time, revealing how they affected by both the solar wind and the direction of the planets own magnetic field


Unknown said...

this article is good, but havent gave more details on this

Anonymous said...

what is this articles related to students

Unknown said...

scientists are the main persons to invent new things and one funny thing is they cont able to remember the outer environment ha ha ha

santosh said...

what is this space related article on the student blog, how it is related to students

Satyananda.C.Dixit said...

its ok but not more informative

Student2050 said...

This is not more informative because the reports aren't much effctive, so we selected some of the main points and published in our blogger

Student2050 said...

Santosh here we posted this articles in which we gave this for those who are intersted in space reaserch related articles, previously we published the articles about aeronatics and we got more response from peoples thats why we published this article

supret said...

ya this will be helpfull for those to students but Sir I cont able to find the articles based on aeronotics can you please help me

Anonymous said...

Sir give articles related to competative exams , how to get prepared it will help us

Satyananda.C.Dixit said...

I cont able to understand about this research reports

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