Tuesday, July 27, 2010


japan’s Environment Ministry is encouraging its citizens to go to bed an hour earlier at night, and get up an hour earlier in the morning. There is much wisdom in the old “early to bed, early to rise” adage. But that’s not what the Environment Ministry has in mind. They see going to bed early as a way to fight global warming.

By saving an hour’s worth of lighting and other electricity use every day, the Morning Challenge campaign says the average household can emit 85 fewer kilograms of carbon per year. Staying up late ensures the whole of mankind’s doom.
It is astounding that the Japanese regulators think that your bedtime is government business. Then again, it may be recalled that this is the same country that has a legally allowable maximum waistline.

* Talk about killjoys. To SAVE THE PLANET from boiling we have been told:
- Not have children;
- Dramatically reduce our prosperity;
- Give up our cats and dogs;
- Sweat in the summer without air
- Freeze in the winter with low heat settings;
- Only eat slow food;
- Become vegan;
- Greatly reduce travel;
- Etc., Etc. Etc.

Now, we are being told that we can save the planet by going to bed early.

The Japanese government has launched a campaign encouraging people to go to bed and get up extra early in order to reduce
household carbon dioxide emissions. The Morning Challenge campaign, unveiled by the Environment Ministry, is based on
the premise that swapping late night electricity for an extra hour of morning sunlight could significantly cut this developed nation’s carbon footprint.

Benjamin Franklin famously said, “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a person healthy, wealthy, and wise,” even calling such a lifestyle a “religious duty.” He never dreamed his bromide would become a prescription for saving the planet.

Wait a minute: Hysterics tell us that to save the planet, the “wealthy” part will have to go. And greater poverty reduces health. It seems to me that if we give into global warming hysteria, that will prove we are not “wise.” But, adopting that lifestyle could still considered a religious duty as part of neo earth worship, so at least the entire quote might not have to be thrown in the dumpster.

http://www.first things.com/blogs/secondhandsmoke/2010/06/24/global-warming-hysteria-early-to-bed-early-to-rise/

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