Saturday, October 30, 2010

Yoga For Students

"Want to have a healthy heart? Practice yoga daily as Indian researchers have claimed that breathing exercises, stretching, relaxation and meditation improve heart health "

According to the researchers at IIT-Roorkee in Uttarakhand, heart rate variability, a sign of a healthy heart, has been shown to be higher in yoga practitioners than in non-practitioners.

The team said that in their preliminary study of 84 volunteers, there was strengthening of parasympathetic (vagal) control in subjects who regularly practice yoga, which is indicative of better autonomic control over heart rate and so a healthier heart.


sampat kumar said...

Really yoga is helpful to students

Unknown said...

It really works , some of them like Dhayna mudra,shawaasana,Sheershaasana will help to get concentration

Satyananda.C.Dixit said...

We get more charm in our face with the help of yoga, try this and you can see the result

sampat kumar said...

this article is nice with the help of yoga I got success in my life.I got peace,concentration in my work and within short period of time I got Promotion

Anonymous said...

this is good article

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